
The Grim & Deliberate Beast

Created by Dubious Merit Games

Make your random encounters legendary. *Boutique Monster A.I. cards. Oversized 4x6 cards, printed on premium blue-core cardstock. Fine, full-color art, d100-rollable tools, and clean design. *The Tome of Lore: 300+ pages of Monster Culture, Special Attacks, Special Units, Special Abilities, and Weaponry. Combat insults! Over 200 original new Traps! Brutal Death Blow & Crit Hit tables by Weapon Type and Body Location! *Custom Series Dice. High-Variance, Cursed, and Doubles dice. Instant, in-game effects for chaos magic, curses, and heroic gameplay! *PDFs and PRINT versions!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

A Monstrous Day 1!
over 4 years ago – Tue, Aug 04, 2020 at 10:07:20 PM

Thank you D&D fans!

These Monsters funded in 3 hours, and is currently 226% funded with 9 hours left on Day 1! 

Mind Flayer by Nate Marcel

That's incredible, and the D&D community is amazing.  Many of you have already shared These Monsters out to the wider world, and we appreciate that so much.  

If we end up meeting some of our larger goals (a hard cover for the Tome of Lore at 150k, for starters!) it will be because early adopters like you believed in the project and decided to share it.

Sharing the campaign

Due to your excellent feedback and questions, we've modified Stretch Goal #1 as follows: 

If you share the campaign url to your favorite social media channel (FB, IG, Twitter, Discord, etc.), you'll fulfill Stretch Goal #1 and get these Bonus 5 Monster A. I. cards included free with your reward:  Drow, Owlbears, Displacer Beast, Medusa, and The Demogorgon.

At the end of our campaign all backers will receive a BackerKit email survey.  (BackerKit is our pledge manager.  If you're new to Kickstarter, just know that BackerKit is phenomenal and they make sure you get everything you want out of our campaign.)  One of the survey questions is, "Did you share the campaign?"  Respond "Yes," and tell us where you shared it.  That's it.  Honor system, no link required.  You get your Bonus 5!

Coming Up

We have a few requests from backers that we'll be working on over the next week, as well as some other project assets our team is excited about.  We'll share these as soon as we have them, some directly to the campaign page, and others in updates.

  • New Art for Duergar by Daniel Lopez-Melville
  • Horde Reinforcements Table (What new devilry is this?) 
  • Prototype Orc Monster A.I. card
  • A short video featuring a human being rolling dice and demonstrating These Monsters in use 
  • Rust Monster Origins & Ecology by Warren McHenry 

That's all for now.  We're beyond excited by this start.

Thank you so much.

The OneMillionNerds Team